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Voting Locations

Safety Protocols to Follow

These precautions may lead to an increased wait time at the polling site. Please be patient as we work together to ensure a safe and healthy voting experience.

Wash your hands or use hand sanitizer before entering voting area. Face coverings are recommended.

Maintain 6 feet of physical distance between any others where possible.

If possible, please bring your own pen or pencil to check-in and mark your ballot.

Consider voting curbside if you exhibit any symptoms of Covid-19 or who risk the likelihood of injuring their health by entering the polling place.

Know Your Rights

If the polls close while you are in line, stay in line! You can still cast your vote.

If you make an error on your ballot, you have the right to request a new one.

If you are a voter with a disability, all polling places must be accessible in accordance with ADA requirements.

If you are a voter with a disability or have trouble with English, you have the right to receive in-person assistance from a person of your choice, like a friend or family member.

You have the right to be free from intimidation, harassment, or coercion while casting your vote.

You have the right to cast your vote in private.

In the state of Texas, you may also have the right to take an allotted amount of time off work to vote. Your employer may not refuse to allow employees to take time off, but no time limit is specified. No proof of voting or advance notice is required.

Election Day | Radio United